CAMPUS Plastics Database

CAMPUS® Plastics Database

Computer Aided Material Preselection by Uniform Standards

CAMPUS is a registered trademark of Chemie Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (CWFG), Frankfurt/Main.

CAMPUS is the only database which exclusively offers truly comparable material data measured according to binding international standards. It offers valuable material data, including single point values for all relevant categories and extensive multipoint data (curves) with engineering data, chemical resistence and aging properties, powerful search and compare features, and datasheet print functions.

CAMPUS has become the most successful material database worldwide, with leading plastics producers using this information system to distribute free product information to customers.

Visit CAMPUS website

CAMPUS is available as an interactive online version and uses:

  • Uniform database structure,
  • Uniform interface for all participating suppliers,
  • Standardized test specimens, molds, process and test conditions,
  • Data definitions that are strictly defined on the international standards ISO 10350 (single point data) and ISO 11403 (multi point data) part 1 and 2.

CAMPUS allows pre-selection or screening of materials:

  • suitable for specific applications,
  • from a world wide range of commercial plastics,
  • is continuously being developed further with respect to its properties base.